A Double Bonanza Gift of Success & Golden Legacy-  Brahmanand Nath (LDD)

A Double Bonanza Gift of Success & Golden Legacy- Brahmanand Nath (LDD)

September 09, 2024 11:49 Created by Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Last modified on September 09, 2024 11:49

Dreams are something anyone can have, but the ability to turn them into reality is only possessed by those who have the passion to make things happen, and with fantastic business opportunities like Galway Business. Yes, thanks to Galway Business, thousands of Galwians are living their dreams, enjoying a life of both time and financial freedom, while also proudly passing on the legacy of Galway Business to future generations.

One such Galwian is Brahmanand Nath, who, instead of wasting time in an ordinary job like everyone else, dared to dream about his future. Today, thanks to Galway Business, he is rapidly advancing towards realizing those dreams. Having achieved an LDD level in Galway Business, Brahmanand Nath excels in facing challenges and giving a resounding response to rejection. Therefore, he has been honored with the title of Distributor of the Month.

Brahma Nand Nath's success in Galway Business illustrates that if you have faith in Galway Business and your hard work, "there is truly victory beyond fear."

Recalling the days of struggle and rejection before his success, Brahmanand Nath, a resident of Odisha, says, "I was first introduced to Galway Business on November 27, 2013, by a friend of my uncle." Before that, I used to work in a private company, where my monthly income was between 10 to 12 thousand rupees. I have a family of five, including my parents, older brother and sister-in-law, and a younger sister. Just think, how can such a small salary support such a large family? Therefore, our life was swinging like a pendulum between poverty and helplessness. There was no permanent job security either. The biggest problem in my family was that my parents always thought that if their son settles somewhere, life will improve. But a person burdened under responsibilities cannot even think about settling down.

However, upon learning about Galway Business, seeing the company's business plan, understanding the nominal facilities, and hearing about the successful Galvians, I became so convinced that this business not only makes a person a successful businessman but also provides permanent settlement for his family. So, I also broke the chains of my private job and wholeheartedly joined Galway Business.

Brahma Nand further explains that in just 10 years of my Galway journey, my life has completely changed. Today, thanks to Galway Business, I have a magnificent car and a luxurious home. But the biggest achievement is that I have settled my family along with myself in a splendid life. Now, my parents don't take tension like before because they know that today our son is settled in a business where he can turn every dream into reality in his life, and touch every sky of progress.

If I talk about some of my special achievements, I have bought 2 bikes from Galway Business, the first one is Honda Hornet and the second bike is KTM 390. Besides this, thanks to the fantastic car bonus from the company, I recently bought my dream car, a Hyundai Verna. Not only that, my family and I had never traveled by plane before, but thanks to Galway Business, that dream has also come true. Today, I have traveled several times across the country by plane. I am fully confident that with the travel bonus, I will soon be able to travel abroad as well. In addition to this, my personality has also undergone a 360-degree change. I am also receiving recognition on stage from the company seniors.

According to Brahmanand Nath, I have focused on retailing Galway products in this business, and I have initiated the same culture and business practices within my team. This has immensely benefited me and my team. Additionally, the company's excellent training modules, from team building to product training, have been very helpful. Today, I continuously conduct training sessions with my team, whether online or offline. I am a trainer for S.E.P., product training, law of averages, and more. Under product training, we promote Galway products first among our family, relatives, and people around us, and then the circle expands. Every month, I conduct at least 5 to 10 house presentations and attend mega presentations 3 to 4 times. I go to powerhouses every month and celebrate promotion days, achievement days, etc. I instill the Triple R culture in the team and offer special offers for the team, and also provide tour packages with gifts to the winners.

According to Brahmanand Nath, he attributes his success to the support of his upline and regional head, GDD Sushant Kumar Samanta. He stated that he achieved success by following the guidance of his upline and handling rejection and negativity in his business. His current target is to get promoted to GDD, and he is confident that he will achieve this milestone soon with the help of Galway Business. His dream is that every member of his team becomes successful like him and can buy their dream car by earning money through Galway Business.

Brahmanand, while discussing the secrets of his success, emphasizes that those who stick with this business are bound to succeed. He mentions that he has always conducted his business with a positive mindset and motivates his team to stay positive as well. Finally, conveying a message to his team and downline, Brahmanand states that the power of Galway Business lies in the fact that whether someone is educated or illiterate, comes from a poor or wealthy family, if a person works honestly, they can surely achieve success in Galway Business.

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