Galway Krisham: The Key to boost Onion Crop & Earnings!

Galway Krisham: The Key to boost Onion Crop & Earnings!

September 18, 2024 06:49 Created by Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Last modified on September 18, 2024 06:49

Onion cultivation has been taking place in our country for more than 5 thousand years. This crop is ready in October-November in the Kharif season and the seed sowing time is in the months of May and June. Temperate and rainless climate is best for its cultivation. For onions, initially 200 C. heat and 4 to 10 hours of sunlight are good but later 100 C. heat and 12 hours of sunlight are good.
However, to get good yield of onion, apart from proper time, temperature, weather and good soil, use of fertilizers to increase the amount of organic elements in the soil is also necessary, that is why our farmers believe in increasing their yield through the excellent Galway Krisham products of Galway Business.
Dear Farmers, in this issue, we will guide you on how to achieve better yields in onion farming by making excellent use of Galway Krisham products.

Galway Krisham Products for Plant Growth & their Uses:
1. Nursery Preparation: During the preparation of the nursery, it is beneficial to treat the soil. To treat the soil, prepare the following mixture: 100 kg of well-rotted cow dung manure / 100 kg of vermicompost / ash / crumbly soil. Mix with 1 liter of G-Bio Phosphate Advance and Keep this mixture in the shade for 24 hours. After 24 hours, incorporate it into the nursery soil.
2. Seed Treatment: When treating seeds, always remember there are two methods: one with water and one without water.
Note: Seeds that are the size of wheat or smaller should be treated without water.
Take 1 kg of onion seeds and mix with 10 ml of G-Bio Phosphate Advance and allow the treated seeds to dry in the shade for 30 minutes before sowing.
3. Fertilizer Application: As needed, mix Single Super Phosphate with 10 kg of G-Sea Power + 4-8 kg of G-VAM and sprinkle in the field at a rate per acre.
4. During Irrigation: 20-25 days after sowing, during irrigation, mix the required amount of urea with 10 kg of G-Sea Power + 200 ml of G-Amino + 200 ml of G-Bio Humic and apply this mixture by hand at a rate per acre.
Note: Spray either in the morning or evening, avoid spraying in direct sunlight or in high temperature. Spraying is required according to the condition of the plant.

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