Galwians learn the formula of success at Galway Super Store
Created on 2023-01-18 11:46:29 Posted By : Rajesh Kumar Yadav

In the month of December 2022, three major training sessions were organized at Galway Super Store. During this, a training session was organized for the team of G.D.D. Mohammad Naseem Akhtar on 7th December, Delhi Urban team on 14th December and for the team of G.D.D. Veer Singh Jat on 20th December.

In all these training sessions, in the conference hall of Galway Super Store located in Delhi, Galwians from different states learned about the sources of success in Galway business from the company's Founder Director Mr. Chetan Handa and Director Mr. Sarabjeet Singh Arneja.

On this occasion, Mr. Kush Kumar, Senior General Manager of the company explained the vision and mission of the company to the Galwians and explained the methods of business approaching.