Galway Achievement Day was organized in Darbhanga district of Bihar. On this Achievement Day, Super Distributor Title Achievers and LCC Achievers who were promoted to different ranks in the month of September, 2022 were felicitated.
This Achievement Day was organized at Satyamev Associates. All the achievers were honored and encouraged by garlanding them on the stage. Galway leaders as well as Galwians were also present on this occasion.
In this sequence, Galway Business organizes Galway Achievers & Promotion Day Celebration at the beginning of every month in which all Galway leaders felicitate their Downlines Distributors for their achievements. In this program, Galway leaders of Bihar organized Galway Promotion Day to honor their downlines. In this celebration, syndicate members Pinkesh ji and G.D.D. Sanmol Kum ar ji honored Galwians with gifts etc. on their achievements and discussed with them how to achieve bigger success through business plan. Apart from darbhanga Galway Leader Upendra Kumar organized Galway Business Seminar at his Galway shop in Samastipur, Bihar. Galwians who came to this seminar understood the formulas of success in Galway business from the leaders.
On this occasion, Upendra Kumar explained to Galwians in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of Galway products and how to use them.