Feel Proud To Be An Indian!

Feel Proud To Be An Indian!

October 11, 2021 05:38 Created by Admin, Last modified on November 02, 2021 04:57

On 15th August 2021, we all will be celebrating our 75th Independence day. We got independence in 1947 and since then we celebrate this day with great joy. Everybody celebrates it in their own ways. But, most people fly kites considering it as a symbol of their freedom. We Indians were enslaved earlier by Mughals then By British people for more than 200 years, which was a huge time. People of those times had faced so many miseries that we can’t even imagine, how they must have felt? Whatnot they had suffered in their slaveries. 

 Then people like Chhatrapati Shivaji MaharajJhansi ki rani, followed by Bhagat SinghRaj GuruSubhash Chandra Bose, SukhdevMahatma Gandhi, and many more freedom fighters gave their blood, sweat, and lives in the struggle for freedom. It was not at all an easy battle to fight against so many Britishers who were so overpowering. At that time there were many hurdles coming in the freedom fight. Such as, people were so used to enslaving others that they never thought of a free India. Hence the first hurdle was to make them realize that it’s high time to rebel. Then people were united in different groups so that planning can be done and executed for the freedom fighting moment. Another hurdle was a lack of resources. British people were well equipped with bombs, riffles, Army, and money. On the contrary, we Indians are short of everything, such as Manpower, Riffles, Knowledge, and most importantly financially weak.

 But, As it is said, “When there is a will there's a way !”.Despite having so many odds we Indians fought. And the sacrifice of all the freedom fighters paid off when we finally got Independence on 15th August 1946. We all should never forget their sacrifices and make full of the lives we got because of them.

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