Best Ways to prevent online Fraud during Online Shopping

Best Ways to prevent online Fraud during Online Shopping

June 23, 2022 03:29 Created by Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Last modified on June 23, 2022 03:29

Although digitization has gained momentum in India a long time ago, it has increased even more after the Corona period. But cases of online fraud have started coming to the fore even faster. Especially in the case of online shopping and E-commerce.
Today internet may have made our work easier, but with its help, many cases of fraud also come to the fore. Actually, nowadays many fake and malicious e-commerce platforms have increased in the country, which sells all kinds of goods, and customers are attracted by seeing the low price of the product and making an online payment to order the product. After which he feels cheated.

Online fraud: Common Types & Necessary Precautions
The current situation is that if you order something online, then the product may not reach you or you will get any fake or broken goods. You may also find an empty packet or one full of stones. A person had ordered an iPhone worth 52 thousand rupees. But when he opened the package, there was a bar of soap in it.
Actually, E-commerce fraud is a type of fraud that occurs on an online platform. According to a report, fraud in online businesses in India has increased by 46% during the pandemic. Actually these days there has been a plethora of e-commerce websites, due to which the cases of fraud have also increased. Nowadays cybercriminals are taking full advantage of the increasing online shopping interest of the people. In the last few days, the cases of online fines have increased significantly. People involved in cybercrime are duping the public in various ways. So today we will talk about what precautions should be taken while shopping online on e-commerce so that fraud can be avoided. And the hallmark of an E-commerce platform should have to be very standard.

Galwaykart - Most secure and trusted e-commerce platform
The E-commerce website of Glaze Trading India Pvt. Ltd, GalwayKart has always been providing top-class products to its consumers without any inconvenience. Also, constantly trying to solve any problem of its distributors and customers. This amazing platform has a strong technical system to avoid any kind of online fraud.

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