Earn Double Profit from Okra Farming with Galway Krisham Products

Earn Double Profit from Okra Farming with Galway Krisham Products

September 03, 2024 11:57 Created by Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Last modified on September 03, 2024 11:57

In our country, okra is a popular vegetable. It is mainly grown for food. Okra is a major vegetable during the summer and rainy seasons. It provides the body with plenty of vitamins A, B, C, proteins and minerals. The roots and stems of okra are used to purify jaggery and sugar. Its fibrous stem skin is used in paper mills. Okra is a very important crop from a nutritional perspective. It is considered a source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, calcium, potassium, and many other nutrients.

The best temperature for growing okra is between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. Today, with new techniques and excellent agri-products, farming methods have changed. Farmers are now earning good profits by growing cash crops with advanced techniques and products like Galway Krisham. Okra is one such crop that allows farmers to earn millions.

In this issue, we will tell you how to increase your okra yield and earn more profit using Galway Krisham's excellent products.

The benefits of okra:

1. It can act as an antioxidant.

2. It helps fight fatigue.

3. It has qualities that can help combat diabetes.

4. It can act as an antibacterial agent.

5. It helps fight tumors.

Now, let’s understand how Galway Krisham products can enhance the yield of your crops.

Galway Krisham Products and Their Application Methods for Plant Growth:

1. Field Preparation: During field preparation, it's beneficial to treat the soil. Take 100 kg of well-decomposed cow dung, vermicompost, ash or crumbly soil and mix it with 1 liter of G-Bio Phosphate Advanced to prepare a mixture. Keep this mixture in the shade for 24 hours. After 24 hours, spread it in the field and plow the field.

2. Seed Treatment: Always remember that seed treatment can be done in two ways, with water and without water.

Note: Seeds smaller than or equal to the size of wheat should be treated without water.

Take 1 kg of okra seeds, mix them with 10 ml of G-Bio Phosphate Advanced, and treat the seeds. Dry them in the shade for 30 minutes before sowing.

3. Fertilizer Application: Take the required amount of DAP and mix it with 10 kg of G-Sea Power + 4-8 kg of G-VAM. Sprinkle this mixture per acre in the field.

4. Urea Application: Take the required amount of urea and mix it with 10 kg of G-Sea Power. Additionally, mix 200 ml of G-Sea Liquid + 200 ml of G-Bio Humic for better crop growth. Apply this mixture per acre in the field.

5. During Flowering and Fruiting: Ensure the field has good moisture when spraying during flowering and fruiting. Before spraying, make sure 60-70% of the flowers and fruits have appeared. Prepare a solution of 10-15 ml of the product in 15 liters of water and spray. Spray either in the morning or evening and avoiding strong sunlight or high temperatures.

6. During Fruit Ripening: Before the seeds start ripening, prepare a solution of 10-15 ml of G-Amino+ in a 15-liter tank and use it as a spray.

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