Earn huge profits from peanut farming  With Galway Krisham Products

Earn huge profits from peanut farming With Galway Krisham Products

September 11, 2024 04:52 Created by Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Last modified on September 11, 2024 04:52

Dear Farmer & Galwians, in the previous issue, we discussed how to achieve healthy mango crops using Galway Krisham products, and in this issue, we will tell you how you can become prosperous by cultivating peanuts using the excellent use of Galway Krisham products.

If you want to earn hefty profits from your crops, you will have to prioritize crops that not only fall into the category of cash crops but also have a strong demand in the market. In this regard, cultivating peanuts is the best option for farmer brothers to earn substantial profits.

Actually, this is an oilseed crop, and there is a tremendous demand for its seeds and oil in the market because it is one of the most important food items and cash crops in the country. Agricultural experts and scientists also consider peanuts to be a health treasure. Farmers have also expanded the cultivation of this crop in villages. Gujarat is called the peanut state of India because only in this state 40% of the world's peanut production takes place here. According to the figures of the Agriculture State Board, these five states alone contribute 80% of the country's production. These five states are Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.

Apart from oil, it is also used in the manufacturing of food items, soap, beauty cream, paint etc. Its cake is used as fodder for animals and poultry as well as organic fertilizer. Groundnut leaves serve as a rich source of fodder for cattle.

However, before embarking on peanut cultivation, it is crucial to determine whether the climate of your region is suitable for peanut cultivation or not. Peanut cultivation takes place in almost all states of India, but where the climate is suitable, its crop is better and the seeds are nutritious. The abundant sunlight and high temperatures are considered suitable for peanut plants. A temperature of 30 degrees Celsius is essential for good yield.

So let us know when and how to use Galway Krisham products in groundnut cultivation.

Galway Krisham Products and method of use helpful in plant growth:

1. Field Preparation: It is better to treat the soil during field preparation. For soil treatment, prepare a mixture by taking 8-10 tons of well-decomposed cow dung manure / 100 kilograms of vermicompost / ash / sandy soil and mixing 1 liter of G Bio Phosphate Advance. After keeping this mixture in shade for 24 hours, put it in the field and plow the field.

2. Seed Treatment: It is important to always remember that when we talk about seed treatment, we do it in two ways, one with water and the other without water.

Note: Seeds that are smaller in size than wheat or wheat should be treated without water. Take 1 kilogram of peanut seeds, mix 4-5 milliliters of G Potash, and treat the seeds. Dry them in shade for 30 minutes and then sow them.

3. Use of Fertilizer as Fertilizer: As per requirement, take half the quantity of DAP and Urea and mix 10 kilograms of G Sea Power + 4-8 kilograms of G Vam and spread it in the field per acre.

4. During Irrigation: After 25-30 days, during irrigation, mix half the quantity of Urea + 10 kilograms of G Sea Power + 2.5 - 3 kilograms of Sulfur + 100 milliliters of G Amino + 100 milliliters of G Bio-Humic together and spread it manually per acre.

5. During Flowering and Fruit Formation: Before spraying during flowering and fruit formation, ensure proper moisture in the field. Then, before spraying, also check whether 60-70% of flowers and fruits have appeared in the field. When 60-70% of flowers and fruits have appeared, you can prepare a solution of 10-15 milliliters per 15 liters of water and spray.

Note: Either spray in the morning or evening, and avoid spraying in direct sunlight or at high temperatures.

Our country exports peanuts extensively to foreign countries, including Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia, where there is tremendous demand for Indian peanuts. So why wait? You too can cultivate peanuts with the excellent use of Galway Krisham products and become prosperous.

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