Turning Ambitions into Achievements with Galway Business- Utpal Kumar Jha

Turning Ambitions into Achievements with Galway Business- Utpal Kumar Jha

September 12, 2024 11:45 Created by Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Last modified on September 12, 2024 11:45

After completing a B.Tech in Electronic Engineering, getting a job as an engineer at a prominent company like Micromax might most of the people think that their life is fully set. However, after some time, the status of life settlement starts to seem like an illusion. This is because, in India, millions of people indulge similar private jobs and retire after living a simple life. They barely manage to meet their basic needs and do not achieve anything significant. They neither buy their dream car or a splendid house nor live a life with time and money freedom.

Actually, it is every person's dream to travel the world before retirement, build a luxurious house in his village or city, but this is generally not possible in a job. Although not everyone understands this, that is why even today millions of people around the world are living a normal life by doing 9 to 5 jobs, but our Galway's proud Galwian and Distributor of the Month Utpal Kumar Jha acknowledge this during his engineering job itself that he has to do something that will set his life. Therefore, he started looking for such an opportunity that would give him time and money freedom as well as an opportunity to achieve unlimited dreams. And it is said, where there is a will there is a way. On 31 August 2016, Utpal Kumar Jha got such an opportunity in the form of Galway Business through a friend Devesh ji working in his company, which made his life. Let us know his success story in Galway Business, in his own words.

Journey of my success

Utpal Kumar Jha, who belongs to Bokaro, Jharkhand, says that as soon as I understood Galway's business plan, training module, I was convinced that by doing a job you can only arrange for two meals a day, but if you want crores of rupees in your life, then you will have to leave the job and do Galway business. Today, thanks to this business, I have a luxurious house, a great bike Honda X Blade, and my dream car Hyundai Verna. Not only this, through travel bonus, I have also visited many tourist places with myself and my team.

Utpal further says that the most special thing about Galway business is that you can make it a family business. This gives an opportunity to move forward along with you, your family and close ones. Today in Galway business, my father Madhusudan Jha is doing business at RD level, brother Animesh Kumar Jha at SD level and my cousin Amit Jha at RD level. Another advantage of making Galway business a family business is that it makes your network loyal and strong. Sharing the secret of his success, Utpal says that I have done Galway business both online and offline, that is why I retail my wonderful Galway products through franchise and GalwayKart.

Follow the system, the success will follow you

According to Utpal jha, my jounery to success is not so easy because when I left my job and planned to do Galway business, many of my friends stopped me and said, which company are you stuck in? But I understood this industry of Direct selling very well, so the taunts of people and the obstacle of rejection could not stop me from moving forward. If you also want to overcome the rejections in the beginning, then definitely attend the company's wonderful powerful training program. You will understand that this business is not about getting trap but about making everyone's life settle for good. Now, this business has really made my life. These training programs and the guidance of the upline have a very important contribution in my success and it is because of them that I have been able to become a master trainer of many trainings. Because of these training, I can easily train my downline team.

Utpal Kumar Jha further states that to succeed in this business, one must learn to follow the company's system. I also work on this business full-time, using the franchise and one-to-one model. I provide my team with demos and information about our powerful and amazing Galway products. To make my team successful, I have created an excellent power house where various programs are organized daily for education and motivation. To motivate the team, we regularly offer various incentives under the Triple R activity—Recharge, Reward, and Recognition—and honor the winners. All these activities are conducted within our power house

Another special thing about Galway Business is that here you not only get incentives worth crores and a dream car and house but also get the gift of honor on stage. When I was honored with the trophy on stage by the company's founder Mr. Chetan Handa in the company's anniversary program, I felt that this was one of the biggest achievements of my life.

There are more destinations to reach

Utpal Kumar has fulfilled most of his dreams through Galway Business and has also started building some dreams. According to him, although I have got what I wanted, but now I am dreaming bigger because I am sure that it is possible to make any dream come true in this business. Now my biggest dream is to build my own luxurious house in a large area in two big cities of my state, Ranchi and Bokaro. Apart from this, I want to buy a Mercedes Benz S Class luxurious car and I wish that I always have a bank balance of crores in my bank. Obviously, when the dreams are big, one has to work harder. Therefore, I have prepared myself that soon I will make all my dreams come true by becoming a Crown Star GDD from Star LDD level and I am hopeful that Galway Business will accompany me in this mission as always.

Finally, while giving a message to his team, Utpal Kumar Jha says that with self-belief and continuous efforts, no one can stop you from being successful in Galway business.

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